This year we honor a determined and patient cohort of 63 artists from all disciplines and experience levels from across the Treasure Valley. Totaling $137,000 in awards, selected through a comprehensive peer-review panel of fellow artists, educators, and creative professionals in the community.
It is a great honor to recognize these artists and their contribution to our communities.
Alexa Rose strives to support makers of all backgrounds reach their fullest artistic potential,
and in doing so, enrich the cultural communities of Ada and Canyon County.
A complete list of our grantees can be found below.
**Grantees are alphabetical by first name.**
Abby Egan Air compressor, airbrush gun/accessories, pneumatic staple gun/accessories, paints
Angela Stewart Ipad Pro for digital illustration/surface design
Ben Kemper Single-person salmon celebration storytelling tour of north and central Idaho
Brenton Viertel To complete 6 song debut record from the Goodyear Wimps on Mutant Pop Records
Brittney Gehrig Workshops at International Stained Glass Center (Chartres, France)
Caitlin Carlberg Coaching and Lessons in New York City
Candis Redfield-Darrah Etching press
Christopher Truksa Pottery wheel and clay for a new project
Daniel Klamerus Camera capture and storage of a full-feature film
Danyale Cook Hair and Makeup Education classes
David Le Graduate studies at Indiana University- Jacobs School of Music
David Scott Kiln
Dayna Smith Living expenses to develop new play
Easton Soule Large format photographic film for a photo study of Idaho
Emily Jones For musicians and engineer for recording project
Evalee Campbell Art Studio Rent
Gia Strang Plasma cutter and an oxyacetylene torch kit and cart
Gracieux Baraka To produce a short film
Heather Elizabeth Bee Encaustic Paint and Oil Sticks
Heather Horner 6k camera to create films
Hillary Colton Child care while working on novel
Hunter Simmons Time off to create a body of work
J.R. Rivero Kinsey For a professional book editor
Jens Kuross Audio mixing of album
John Taye Painting supplies for a new exhibit at the Capitol Contemporary Gallery in 2023
Julie Pegan Printing costs for digital paintings for a solo art show
Justin John Painting supplies for project in studio work space
Kayla Morgan Studio rent for producing work
Kelli Brown Attendance/instruction at the Carmen de Las Cuevas School in Granada
Ken McCall 3D printer
Kendra Borden Tuition for Orsolina28’s summer dance program
Kevin McTeague Construction of a baroque cello
Kim Cross Attend Writers' Chautauqua/Workshop
Kylie Smith Printmaking Supplies
Lakai Cahill Refurbished Macbook Pro (2020) and monopod with feet for photography
Lanh Russell Ink drums for print series
Leta Harris Neustaedter Digital hosting, musical composition and editing for episodes of podcasts
Lisa Flowers Ross 4-day screen printing on fabric workshop in Nevada plus supplies and travel expenses
Lupe Galvan Building a prep/workspace
Mary Arnold Large professional easel to allow for painting large format canvas
Meredith Higgins Submission fees for poetry/chapbooks/manuscript for publication
Migel Delgado Painting supplies for future exhibit
Misti Millward Two professional-grade lenses for a photography project
Mungo Ligoya Surger
Naomi Spinelli Weekly voice lessons with Andrea DelGiudice for 6 months
Nathan Veibell Artist Tablet for digital and broadcast art
Nicole Molumby Musicians and sound engineers to record a CD project
Oluwadamilola Tehingbola Photography Equipment
Patricia Marcantonio Workshop performance of new original play
Randy Van Dyck Liegh Yawkey Woodson Birds in Art show and conference
Reham A Aarti Specialized picassiette mosaic intensive workshop in Brazil
Ruth Piispanen Attend printing workshop at Ox-Bow School of Art in Saugatuck Michigan
Ruth Salter Travel to Sahagun, Spain to conduct research for a book combining memoir and historical research
Ryan Flowers New equipment
Samuel Parry Tools
Sara Stejskal Recording Session and Audition Tour
Scout Leary Wireless body art Tattoo system and professional inks
Sean Dahlman Lens for photographic project
Steve Fulton Perform at Music Showcase in Nashville, TN
Sue Schaper Printing and framing of photographs for solo show in fall 2022 in the Rosenthal Gallery
Travis Ward Audio equipment for recording new work, podcasts, soundtracks, and live performances
Weston McGhee Photographic Film scanning equipment
Zoe Eyraud-Mendez Video Equipment for a new body of work