$108,000 Granted to Local Artists.
The following is a list of the artists receiving grants for 2017 and a short description of what their grant award will support.
Melissa Anderson – materials for sculpture as part of new body of work on cancers
Arin Arthur – purchase of upright steamer and upgraded registration system for print table
Karen Benning – living expenses for a sabbatical to write book of essays on George Gurdjieff
Kelly Brown – travel and tuition expenses for flamenco intensive in Granada Spain
Jean Cardeno – attendance at Yosemite Songwriting Retreat
Garth Claassen – purchase of Mylar and Tyvek for upcoming shows
Micah Claffey – purchase of a professional level cello bow
Michelle Detwiler – expenses for music/acting lessons and fall audition travel
Jennifer Drake – attendance at two conducting symposiums
Lauren Edson – professional development
John Francis – purchase of printer to work more flexibly and make editions of prints
Cody Gittings – filming and post production of Is Everything OK?
David Guiotto – living expenses for writing sabbatical
Noble Hardesty – materials, documentation and travel to create new work
Kris Hargis – camera and light kit to document work
Kelly Harwood – attendance at writing conference in Vermont and 2 professional manuscript reviews
Stuart Holland – framing for upcoming solo exhibit at the Visual Arts Collective
Derek Hurd – tuition and travel expenses for Wilson Chair furniture course in Boston
Victor Jimenez – travel expenses for study with Odd Nerdrum in Norway
Meg Kahnle – materials for Connect With Boise series
Lauren Kistner -purchase of equipment to produce Tondos exhibit at Art Source Gallery in October
Catherine Kyle – attendance at The Two Eight writers residency, submission fees, book tour expenses
Lauren Lafrades – tuition for The Collective dance workshop in LA
Lily Martina Lee – purchase and installation of utility sink to dye own materials
Jerri Lisk – purchase of scroll saw and aluminum to work in 3D/sculpture
Amy Lunstrum – purchase of a kiln to fire at lower temperatures
Kris Mannion – funding for the design of an expansion to home studio
Kyle Morck – purchase of gimble stabilizer and follow focus for dance film
Heidi Naylor – attendance at memoir writing conference and expenses for 3-day writing retreat
Leta Neustaedter – tuition for music classes at BSU
Melissa Osgood – purchase of a fume extractor for home studio
Diane Raptosh – travel expenses to the Nantucket Whaling Museum and Archives to research new book of poems
Dig Reeder – expenses to produce new play at the Death Rattle Writers Festival
Rachel Reichert – materials and equipment to create a new body of art based on James Castle
Hannah Rodabaugh – paid time to write and submission fees to develop and publish manuscript
Elizabeth Rodgers – production costs for short film Mediation
Lisa Roggenbuck – supplies and living expenses to create a new body of work
Colton Rothwell – travel expenses to Chile to create a travel documentary
Susan Rowe – attendance at the Fishtrap Gathering of Writers in Oregon
Jose Saenz – purchase of camera equipment to produce Artifacts and Tether
Cassandra Schiffler – tuition and travel expenses for Monotype Printing workshop at Anderson Ranch
Ellie Shaw – jazz mentorship in LA and production costs for new CD
Tracy Sunderland – professional development
Brad Talbutt – tuition and lodging associated with historic printing method workshops in Maine
Edward Test – travel expenses for research/translation in Madrid, and translation workshop in LA
Elena Tomorowitz – expenses for travel to visit 5 Idaho towns as inspiration for new book of poetry
Ellie Van De Graaff – purchase of camera equipment to advance photography skills
Zach Voss – video editing costs for production of short film series Volcanoes!
Olivia Weitz – attendance at Transom radio workshop in Cape Cod
Christian Winn – travel expenses to conduct research for 2 novels and living expenses for sabbatical