The Alexa Rose Foundation was founded in 2015 to provide substantial impact on the lives of creative residents of Ada and Canyon County, giving them access to the catalytic experiences and skills they need to develop as artists and people.
In its second cycle of grants for visual artists, the Alexa Rose Foundation received 88 applications totaling $255,600 in requests, funding $64,000. Artistic mediums represented included painting, photography, digital art, film, textiles, ceramics, mixed media, printmaking, metalwork, sculpture and glass. The majority of the applications were from emerging and mid-career artists. Approximately half of the applications sought grant funding for a learning opportunity, while the other half were for equipment and supplies.
The Foundation had $64,000 to fund artists this year, so the competition was significant. In the end, 30 local artists representing multiple artistic mediums were awarded grants. Almost half of the awards were for learning opportunities, while the remainder were for equipment, supplies and production expenses. Grants were awarded to emerging, mid-career and established artists. Grant amounts varied from $250 – $5,000.
Gregory Bayne, filmmaking, Post-production expenses for his film 6 Dynamic Laws of Success
Laurie Blakeslee, photography, Participation in a portfolio review from Photolucida in Portland, OR
Ashley Carlson, painting/drawing, Art supplies for an upcoming exhibition
Missy Cory, wax encaustics, Attendance at a wax encaustic workshop in New York City
Judson Cottrell, fractal art, Purchase of a 3D printer and related supplies
Kelly Cox, ceramics, Purchase of an electric kiln
Candis Darrah, oil painting, Purchase of portfolio materials
Chad Erpelding, painting, Expenses for a one-month residency in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Lisa Flowers Ross, textiles, Studio lighting improvements
Julia Green, digital illustration, Attendance at an illustration conference in Texas
Stuart Holland, charcoal, Expenses for research in Mexico in preparation for his work Cimmeria
Shelley Jund, mixed media, Installation workshop at The Atlanta School in Idaho
Brock Landrum, graphic design, Purchase of print drums for a Risograph machine
PennyLea Mackie, ceramics, Expenses to study Acoma Pueblo Pottery in New Mexico
Anna Matejcek, interdisciplinary, 6 credit hours tuition toward an MFA at Boise State University
Ken McCall, sculpture, Purchase of a TIG welder
Elizabeth McSurdy, theatrical design, Residency at The Atlanta School in Idaho
Glenn Oakley, photography, Purchase of a camera to support the development of a new film
Samuel Paden, mixed media, Travel expenses to market a body of work in Los Angeles, CA
Troy Passey, text-based art, Supplies and digital animation fees to produce a work entitled Drift Words
Tarey Potter, sculpture, Attendance at a local welding class with Sue Latta
Anika Smulovitz, metal/mixed media, Documentation of a recent body of work
Anna Ura, painting, Attendance at a painting workshop in Colorado
Veiko Valencia, mixed media, Production of Don Santo action figures
Susan Valliquette, photographer, Attendance at a lightroom course in Portland, OR
Alexandra Velardes, printmaking, Purchase of a letterpress and supplies
Alice Vinson, mixed media, Repair of an existing letterpress and supplies
William Von Tagen, filmmaking, Musical scoring expenses for his film After Walpurgisnacht
Kate Walker, painting/drawing, Laser cutting expenses for an exhibit in New Zealand
Emily Wenner, oil painting, Studio improvements and supplies